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Gluten Relief® Plus

Food Intolerance Support

Gluten Relief® Plus is specially formulated to support the digestion of gluten, casein and other difficult-to-digest proteins found in food.*

Sale price$24.99 Regular price$29.99

Gluten Relief® Plus
Gluten Relief® Plus Sale price$24.99 Regular price$29.99

Complete Formula to Break Down your Whole Meal*

Promotes Nutrient Absorption*

DPP-IV Enzyme Complex for Gluten Digestion*

Fast Acting for Occasional Bloating & Gas Caused By Gluten Intolerance*

Ingredients Found in Nature


A unique complex of proteases designed to break down difficult-to-digest protein bonds found in gluten. SEBPro™ DPP-IV contains DPP-IV enzyme activity to help reduce the size of gluten molecules and increase digestibility.*


A class of enzymes that help break down all types of starches (from the easy-to-digest to the hard-to-digest) into simpler sugars, aiding digestion. Amylases are found in humans, animals, plants and microbes. The simpler sugars produced by amylase are used as a quick and efficient energy source for cellular functions. Glucose, one key byproduct of starch breakdown, is particularly crucial for brain function and physical activity.*

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A class of enzymes that help break down plant-based foods (specifically, the cellulose in plant cell walls). Cellulases are not produced by the human body, and consuming cellulases can help the body digest otherwise difficult to digest veggies and processed foods.*


A unique complex of hemicellulases designed to improve the digestion of plant-based foods. HemiSEB® helps release nutrients trapped in difficult-to-digest plant cell walls, reduces anti-nutritive factors (compounds that can have a negative effect on the body) and minimizes the overall digestive discomfort that many plant foods can cause.*

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Plants can be challenging for humans to digest (for example, beans) because they contain complex carbohydrates that humans simply do not have the digestive enzymes to break down. If they aren't digested and absorbed, they often ferment in the gut, leading to bloating and gas. These enzymes help to break down these difficult-to-digest foods, easing digestive discomfort.* 


A highly specific enzyme produced by all young mammals to break down lactose, the large primary sugar found in milk. Lactase’s unique ability to break down lactose allows humans to consume more milk, cheese, yogurt and other dairy with less symptoms of gas, bloating and discomfort associated with lactose intolerance.*

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A class of enzymes that help break down fats into fatty acids. Lipases are found in humans, animals, plants and microbes. The fatty acids produced by lipase are used for the body's essential functions like energy, cell function, organ protection and nutrient absorption.*

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Real people, real reviews

"I have an intolerance to gluten, and with Gluten Relief I can drink beer without breaking out! I am a beer snob so I am SO HAPPY."

- Jocelyn Hanc

"Gluten Relief is great for kids with on the the autism spectrum who have GI issues and are on gluten-free/casein-free diets. Before Gluten Relief we had to follow the diet pretty strictly. Now thanks to these life-changing enzymes, my son can enjoy more of the foods he loves. We still follow the diet but no worries if he gets a little gluten here and there, the DPP-IV enzymes break down gluten and casein so they don't upset his stomach or cause diarrhea. They were especially helpful on vacation. My son was able to enjoy pancakes for breakfast every day!! Very grateful for these wonderful products!!!"

- Debra Rich

Customer Reviews

Based on 54 reviews
Did not work for me at all.

Did not work for me at all. Tried a few times, every time had a really bad stomach pain.

Very helpful to have on hand

We buy these regularly for upset stomach issues in our house.

Works for me!

I found this works well for me.I've purchased this amor 3-4 times and add long as there no change in price or ingredients I'll continue to use this.

My replacement for gluten cutter

Seems to work as well as gluten cutter at a cheaper price.

Amazon Customer
Eliminates Belly pain.

Celiac Disease gut pain relief.