Spore-Forming Probiotics
Spore-forming bacteria are bacteria with the ability to form bacterial spores—a kind of protective shell that allows the bacteria to enter a kind of inactive hibernation. When in a spore, spore-formers are highly resilient dormant forms of bacteria that can exist in a desiccated and dehydrated state indefinitely until they reach favorable conditions to germinate and return to metabolically active bacteria.
Found primarily in soil, spore-forming bacteria naturally developed this protective shield as a way to manage occasionally unfavorable outdoor conditions. Unlike other types of bacteria, which can be delicate and susceptible to the environmental factors in processing, packaging and the digestive tract (especially stomach acid), spore-formers are more likely to reach the lower GI tract—where they are most needed—intact and alive.*

From Seed to You
As a long-time manufacturer of spore-formers (over 30 years), we have been touting the benefits of probiotics decades before everyone started talking about them. We source our spore-formers exclusively from our own large fermentation facilities. We grow our probiotics in a small fermenter (a "seed vessel"), carefully developing it until it's ready for the big leagues (enormous fermenters that are up to three stories high). Our skilled team has perfected the art of growing these organisms for decades, maximizing the potency and therapeutic benefits and consistently delivering a superior quality probiotic that meets the highest standards for food and pharmaceutical use. We have extensively tested them for safety and efficacy. In fact, our probiotics are so good, a great many of our competitors actually use our probiotics in their products.
Traditional Uses
As kids, one of our favorite phrases was “dirt don’t hurt.” Not only does it not hurt, but it was likely the way our ancestors got access to a wide array of beneficial bacteria.
Nowadays, very few adults eat any dirt. Modern cleaning techniques for fruits and vegetables are excellent at removing dirt and pathogens. But they are indiscriminate— they also remove the beneficial soil-based bacteria that you would otherwise be exposed to. Our spore-formers are all soil-based bacteria, so now you can get all the benefits without the mud pie.*
Why Formulation Matters
It’s a zoo in there! No human could exist without the large community of microbes living within them. Humans provide them an environment and food, and the microbes assist with essential functions like digestion, vitamin synthesis, and immune system regulation. At this very instant trillions of microbes live inside you.
It seems obvious, but your microbiome does not have only one strain of bacteria. It's made up of a wide variety of microbes with different roles in your overall well-being. Each of our probiotic strains are amazing, but even though our company makes them, we rarely recommend them alone. They are best when carefully combined with other strains and synergistic ingredients. Our expert formulator with over 40 years of experience in enzymes and probiotics put together formulations for specific purposes, knowing how each of their parts would interact with each other.
Product with SBO Probiotics

You've heard that probiotics are good for your microbiome, and maybe you even already take some. But did you know that when you add enzymes and prebiotics you supercharge them? Our favorite, quick-acting cleanse has 11 diverse strains from completely different sources, systemic enzymes, digestive enzymes and prebiotics.*